Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Accents in display names causing problems in Entourage

We have seen problems in Entourage where an e-mail will arrive and have the sender's name split in two parts. One part will contain the valid e-mail address and the other will simply have a question mark before it. Attempting to reply to messages like this results in the message bouncing with a failure notice similar to "invalid e-mail address."

We have found that users who have accents in their display names cause this problem. Removing the accent in the user's AD display name resolves the issue.

This is only a problem in Entourage 2008- Entourage Web Services Edition and Outlook do not display this behavior.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Mac: Kerberos time-outs and locked screen saver

This is an interesting little glitch.

On AD bound Macs if a user has their screen-saver set to require a password to deactivate and the user leaves their computer on for more than 10 hours, they will not be able to unlock the screen-saver. Apple has confirmed that this is a problem and advises that the user should enter their user name and password and then wait for one minute before they press “OK.”

This affects all versions of OS X through 10.5.7. The latest 10.5.8 patch is supposed to fix the issue.

The default time-out for a Kerberos ticket is 10 hours but with the screen-saver password lock enabled the Mac doesn’t auto renew the ticket properly. Normally every time you unlock your screen-saver it refreshes the Kerberos ticket back to 10 hours but this simply doesn’t happen if they machine has been sitting on and idle for over 10 hours.

Creating a mobile account after the fact: Mac

If you need to enable a mobile account after you have already set up a user's network account (and didn't create the mobile account at first log in) do the following:

On the client, log in as the local Administrator, and in Terminal
issue the command:

sudo /System/Library/CoreServices/ManagedClient.app/Contents/
Resources/createmobileaccount -vsn myusername /my/homedirectory

The variables "myusername" and "/my/homedirectory" are specific to
the account you are working with.

If you don't want syncing enabled, the argument is -vSn