Friday, June 17, 2011

Apple Server Admin Not Starting

Problem: OS X Server Admin will either not launch or after it has launched it will not allow connections.

Fix from Apple:

sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/

cd /var/severmgrd

Note: verify that you are in the right path, because the next command will delete everything in the current folder.

rm -rf *

sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/

Server Manager should now launch and allow logins.

Tomcat problems on a JSS

It is important that Apple's Tomcat does not conflict with Jamf's on your JSS.  If both instances of Tomcat are trying to run at the same time you can experience an inability to access the JSS along with over all poor server performance.

To disable Apple's Tomcat follow these steps:

On your JSS, launch Server Admin
Click on "Web"
Click on the "Settings" icon
Click on the "General" tab
Remove the tick from "Enable Tomcat"

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Bound Mac Clients Can't Exit Screensaver Using AD Credentials

Bound Macs that have the screen saver set to lock after a certain amount of time and require AD credentials to unlock sometimes are unable to unlock the screen saver.


Open Terminal
Type: cd /etc
Type: pico authorization
Find the "system.login.screensaver” and look for this text in a string: 
    "The owner or any administrator can unlock the screensaver"

    and change it to:

    "(Use SecurityAgent.) The owner or any administrator can unlock the screensaver."

    For full details refer to Apple KB:

    Monday, June 6, 2011

    How to disable auto mounting network shares in OS X

    To disable auto-mounting of network shares in OS 10.5 and 10.6 do the following:
    • Go to /Users/username/Library/Favorites
    • Remove the server names or IP addresses