Thursday, March 12, 2015

Items can't be copied to a Mac because there is not enough free space, even when disk information shows plenty of free space

When attempting to copy 50GB of data onto a Mac Air that was reporting 210GB of space available the copy failed on an error "not enough free space available".

The root cause was Time Machine backups utilizing the local drive.  Even though the person never used Time Machine it was still enabled and apparently backing up to the local HDD.  Turning off Time Machine freed up the space and we were able to copy the data successfully.

Looking under  System Information/System Report/Storage we saw the backups taking up a massive amount of space; only 4kb was left available.

You can also disable Time Machine from the command line:

sudo tmutil disablelocal


Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Windows clients unable to connect to secure wi-fi

Our corporate network has a global wi-fi solution that uses Cisco access points, PEEP and AD authentication.  Users can walk into any office in the world and use their AD credentials to authenticate to wi-fi.  It's a nice little set up.

We also use Symantec Endpoint Protection (SEP) for anti-virus; this will become relevant in a moment.

Some users were reporting that their Windows 7 laptops were unable to connect to our corporate WiFi.  Clicking on "connect" did nothing but pop-up a window saying "Unable to connect."

After digging through the logs we found that the user's credentials were not being passed to the access points.  We attempted to set-up the connection manually and found that the Microsoft Protected EAP (PEEP) option was missing from the "Choose a network authentication method:"

It turns out that SEP was modifying Registry keys and telling Windows the default location of the SymRasMan.dll was C:\Program Files\ Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection \  instead of the correct %SystemRoot%\System32\rastls.dll.

The fix we used to resolve the issue is detailed in this MS KB article.

Note: the article specifically refers to this problem occurring on computers that have had SEP removed.  However, as far as we were aware the computers that had the issue never had SEP removed, only installed.

Ports required for Apple Push Notification Service

We encountered a problem where Macs managed by Casper were unable to communicate with the JSS for Mobile Device Management (MDM).  The solution was to allow the following ports access to Apple's range (complete owned by Apple):
  • TCP port 5223 (used by devices to communicate to the APNs servers) 
  • TCP port 2195 (used to send notifications to the APNs)
  • TCP port 2196 (used by the APNs feedback service)
  • TCP Port 443 (used as a fallback on Wi-fi only, when devices are unable to communicate to APNs on port 5223)
Here is a link to Apple's support page on the topic.

After migrating a Mac user's profile, Dropbox fails to open: keeps asking for permissions

After migrating a user's profile and changing ownership on their home folder the user was unable to log into Dropbox after logging in.  The users received an error:

"Dropbox needs to change permissions for the Folder: ~/Users/.dropbox  Type in your password to allow this."

Typing in the user name and password did nothing.  The user was then presented with another window that said, "Couldn't start Dropbox.  This is usually because of a permissions error.  Storing your home folder on a network share can also cause an error."

The solution that worked for us was to remove the hidden "./dropbox" folder from the root of the user's home folder.  You can do this from terminal by typing:

sudo mv ~/.dropbox ~/.Trash

Or you can do it from the GUI if you turn off hidden folders.

I have also heard that you should delete the DropboxHelperTools folder although that wasn't required in our situation.

sudo mv ~/DropboxHelperTools ~/.Trash