Saturday, August 19, 2017

Mac Server: Unable to update Server

After updating the OS on a Mac Mini to 10.12.6 and downloading 5.3.1 we encountered an error:

It turns out that not all OS/ versions allow direct updates; in some cases you must do a data migration.  Apple posts an upgrade matrix here.

The quick fix, if you don't mind configuring the server again, is to simply trash the from Applications and remove the /Library/Server folder.  Once this has been done, you can re-install and it will launch the configuration manager.

If you get the "unable to update server" error and you need to keep your settings then you are in for a bumpy ride.  You have no choice but to do a data migration between two devices.  The procedure is explained in the same link as above and entails building a new system, target booting, doing a data migration and then installing  Honestly, Apple couldn't have made it any harder if they tried.