Saturday, May 25, 2013

Recon fails on Macs running CS6: Adobe SpeedGrade issue

We have noticed a very annoying problem where Casper Recon fails repeatedly with the logs showing a BUS error.

There is a good discussion over on Jamf Nation about the issue.  The problem is caused by a symbolic link in the Adobe SpeedGrade application that links to the application itself.  Recon essentially gets caught in a loop and will eventually fail.

The fix is to either delete SpeedGrade if you don't need it or remove the symbolic link. You can do this manually or create a Casper package to automate the process.  Here is the location to the link:

/Applications/Adobe SpeedGrade CS6/Adobe SpeedGrade SpeedGrade

Remove the "Adobe SpeedGrade" and then Recon should complete successfully.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Change Mac hostname from Terminal

Sometimes I have found that changing the Mac's hostname from System Preferences/Sharing doesn't do the job.  In these cases it is best to change the hostname from Terminal:

sudo scutil --set HostName [new hostname]

Example: sudo scutil --set HostName LDNMAC-1234

Show hidden user Library folder in 10.7 and 10.8

I keep having to look this up because I can never remember the Terminal command:

chflags nohidden /Users/[user folder name]/Library

example: chflags nohidden /Users/tom.smith/Library