The root cause appears to be two missing files in the user's Microsoft Lync Data/[user's sip name] folder: GalContacts.db and GalContacts.db.idx
If a computer that was running Lync 14 was upgraded to 10.9 from 10.8 or earlier there is no problem searching the GAL from within Lync. The problem occurs on 10.9 Macs with fresh Lync installs.
The fix is to copy GalContacts.db and GalContacts.db.idx from a working computer to the non-workign 10.9 Mac.
- Install and configure Lync on the 10.9 Mac
- Log into Lync with the user's AD account credentials
- Close Lync
- On a computer that has a working Lync GAL go to ~/Documents/Microsoft User Data/Microsoft Lync Data/
- Open the "sip_[]@[]" folder. ie:
- Locate the GalContacts.db and GalContacts.db.idx files and copy them to a USB stick or the network
- On the 10.9 Mac with the new Lync install go to ~/Documents/Microsoft User Data/Microsoft Lync Data/sip_[]@[] and import GalContacts.db and GalContacts.db.idx files
- Launch Lync and test the GAL search
Didn't work....
THANK YOU!!! I have been struggling with this issue on a fresh install of Lync 2011 on a new iMac running OS 10.10.5. I am SO glad I didn't wipe the old Mac yet. :D
Can the files come from different user accounts or does it have to be the same user account?
Unfortunately, this actually didn't work for me either. However, I was able to find a solution so I hope that somebody else may be able benefit from it.
My problem is was that my Mac did not have the root certificate for my company's domain. This certificate gets distributed to the Windows machines automatically by Active Directory, so they don't have an issue. What I needed to do was import the root certificate onto my Mac. I was able to go to a Windows machine, export the root certificate, and then import that onto my Mac.
This link contains info about accessing the root cert on Windows. Follow the first handful of steps, but do an Export instead of an import:
Instructions to import the certificate on the Mac:
1) Bring the Finder to the foreground.
2) Copy the root certificate to your Mac
3) Double-click on the .cer file.
4) After the Keychain Access application opens, from the Add Certificates windows, select the login keychain.
5) When Keychain Access asks about trusting the certificates from the SBS Root CA, click Always Trust. (Keychain never actually asked me for this part, it just added the certificate as untrusted. I had to go in and find the certificate after and change it to Always Trust).
6) Enter the user name and password of the logged-in user and click OK.
7) Close Keychain Access (or leave it open to check if you receive a cert from Lync with your SIP address).
Best of luck to everybody whois having trouble!
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