We have received several reports that Microsoft Lync (version 14.x) was constantly requesting a Keychain Password and displaying the following dialogue box:
The blocked out area shows the user's e-mail address.
On working systems there was an "OC_KeyContainer" in Keychain:
As well as a saved password in Keychain:
On system that had a problem these items were missing.
The solution we found was to go into ~/Library/Keychains and delete the "OC_KeyContainer_[user's e-mail address].
Remember that on 10.7 and above the user's library folder is hidden and you must show it by opening Terminal and typing "chflags nohidden /Users/[user's home folder name]/Library
After deleting the OC_KeyContainer file, launch Lync and log in and you should no longer receive the Keychain pop-up.
If you open Keychain Access.app you will notice that a new OC_KeyContainer Keychain and password have been created.
Note: if the OC_KeyContainer Keychain and password already exist in Keychain Access.app, delete them before removing the file from the user's Library folder.
I learn the same thing but not in the same odious way, i hope you can learn nicely too, but yeah sometime technologies make us learn that way like now i am trying to find whatsapp for pc and i cant do it, is getting me crazy.
Thank you for the tip on unhiding user Library folder!
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